Mark Hamsher has been an independent, full time commercial and maritime arbitrator since 1985.

MA in Jurisprudence (Oxford)
Bachelor of Civil Law (Oxford)
Barrister at Law
Fluent in English, French, Czech and German
1976-1981: Worked for Thos. R. Miller & Son, Managers of the UK Protection & Indemnity and the UK Freight Demurrage & Defence Associations; for the last two years, responsible for the day to day running of the Defence Association.
1981-1984: Director of the Fenton Steamship Co. Ltd., European representatives of Hellenic Lines Ltd. of Piraeus, break bulk and container operators. Also a director of Hellenic Agencies (UK) Ltd., the agency and marketing company for Hellenic Lines in the United Kingdom.
1984-1985: Director of Trade & Transport (UK) Ltd., the London chartering office of a New York/Greek tramp company operating tankers and bulk carriers.
1985 to present: Full time commercial and maritime arbitrator handling charterparty, bill of lading, ship sale and purchase, oil and coal trading disputes and a broad range of other commercial disputes.
1999-2001: President of the London Maritime Arbitrators Association.
Membership of professional bodies
Full member and past President of the London Maritime Arbitrators Association
Member of Chambre Arbitrale Maritime de Paris
Associate of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators, London
Member of the Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre Panel of Arbitrators
Member of the China Maritime Arbitration Commission Panel of Arbitrators
Member of the Baltic Exchange
Member of the LCIA Users’ Councils